April 2016

Are potato chips triggers for sulfite allergy?

Many individuals believe that they have sulfite allergy but it is actually sensitivity to the preservatives utilized in beer, wine, medications and other food products. An actual allergic reaction occurs upon exposure to the allergenic proteins. The sulfites present in processed foods help maintain color, extend the shelf life and inhibit growth of microorganisms. If […]

Are potato chips triggers for sulfite allergy? Read More »

Reactions to shellfish: Why do I have skin rashes?

Skin rashes that develop after eating or directly handling shellfish indicates a serious food allergy. If the individual does not suspect any known triggers for contact dermatitis, he/she must consider testing for shellfish allergy. Types of shellfish such as sea urchins, oysters and shrimp might trigger an allergic reaction in some individuals. Among shellfish, lobster, shrimp

Reactions to shellfish: Why do I have skin rashes? Read More »

What are the foods that can cause colon pain?

There are certain foods that could not cause colon pain among individuals with a healthy digestive system. If the individual has conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, colitis or diverticulitis, there are certain foods and eating practices that can instigate colon pain. Additionally, seeking medical care or sticking with a diet limited on these foods

What are the foods that can cause colon pain? Read More »

Causes of eczema: Is fish a potential trigger?

A usual indication of an allergic reaction to fish is the occurrence of eczema and other skin rashes after ingesting seafood products including fish. If the individual eats fish and develops a blister-like rash that weeps and crusts, he/she is likely suffering from an allergic reaction to fish. Always bear in mind that fish allergies

Causes of eczema: Is fish a potential trigger? Read More »

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