Circulatory Emergencies

Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever is due to a throat infection by streptococcus. It is important to note that there are various strains of streptococcus that can cause different infections. The strain known as group A streptococcus is responsible for causing most cases of scarlet fever. The toxins enter the bloodstream from the infected throat. The condition

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Tularemia is considered as a rare condition brought about by the bacteria Francisella tularensis that is typically acquired from the bite of diseased ticks or deer flies or after touching infected animals. What are the indications? The signs and symptoms typically manifest abruptly and include fatigue, fever, chills, generalized body aches, nausea and headache. The

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Malaria is a serious health disorder that causes high fever and chills. The condition is acquired from the bite of a mosquito infected by parasites. In rare instances, an individual can get the condition if in contact with infected blood. There are 5 types of these parasites that are able to infect humans such as:

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